Crop destruction

Crop destruction is the deliberate destruction of crops or agricultural products to render it useless for consumption or processing. It can be made by burning, grinding, dumping into water, or application of chemicals. It should not be confused with crop residue burning, which burns useless parts of the crop.

Related to crop destruction is alternate, low-price use of agricultural products. A large portion of the Wine lake (European Union wine surplus) is conversion to industrial ethanol.

There can be numerous reasons for crop destruction. In scorched earth strategy, crops and other useful materials are destroyed to prevent an enemy from gaining hold of them. In government-regulated agriculture, farmers can be required to destroy crops that exceed their production quota. Crops can also be dumped in the street during a public protest; this custom has been common in the European Union.

Note that this term does not apply to the burning of crops which are or can be usefully harvested by this means, such as sugar cane.

Crop destruction in culture

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck tells about destruction of oranges, potatoes, pig carcasses and other agricultural products during the Great Depression.

See also